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Aggressive Doberman

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The cause of behavior in an aggressive doberman can be one of many things. It could well be in relation to the power struggle in who is more dominant between you and the dog. It could also be something that hadn’t been addressed in nipperhood, maybe a frightening experience or attack from a human or another dog. The cause doesn’t matter at this stage, what matters is it needs to be addressed now. If an aggressive doberman remains aggressive for too long, it can be dangerous for all involved.

Where does the aggression come from?

Aggression in dogs can begin as early as six weeks. This period is a vital one because it is an age when your doberman needs to be socialized with other dogs and humans to teach what is normal for biting and what is not acceptable. This stage lasts up until around the age of fourteen weeks and even longer.
This has a number of meanings. Firstly, avoid removing the puppy from its litter prior to eight weeks old. Do NOT use even mildly violent punishment between the ages of eight and ten weeks, treat your puppy with nothing but love. Being violent at a tender age, even if only audibly can cause an aggressive doberman for years to come.

So as a simple rule, a puppy needs to be treated kindly and carefully, while being socialized with other dogs and people up until fourteen weeks for it to avoid aggressive traits.

Aggressive behavior in dogs can be born out of many reasons. Genetics can play a part, some breeds are more prone to this behavior but it’s certainly not a main cause. As with humans, a dog that has been neglected or taunted will certainly grow up to aquire aggressive traits.

Topping the list however is environment. A canine that has no social skills, has been attacked by other dogs and has grown up in fear will be a lot more likely to become violent and aggressive as it gets older.

A pecking order seems to be the reason aggression rears it’s ugly head. A dog has to show dominating signs of strength through biting and body language to gain a high ranking. You need to gain the upper hand and be the patriarch in this relationship to establish the alpha male position and then you can be in control so as to avoid an aggressive doberman.

Stopping and Controlling an Aggressive Doberman

If your dogs still exhibits this aggression after 14 months of age (sexual maturity), or you have recently bought an aggressive doberman at around this age, you need to act quickly. Try to establish yourself as the pack leader quickly and never reward your doberman for behaving aggressively, even if it is reacting with fear. Educate your dog to obey commands you give. Teach them who is boss. Control their walking and feeding times, establish a routine. Be strict but kind, never allow a dog to get away with something he knows he shouldn’t be doing. They remember and they will become more confident and aggressive in the company of others.

Perhaps your aggressive doberman is that way out of fear. Defensive-aggressive. It is more than likely these dogs have not been brought up with love and constructive discipline. Make certain you keep them away from little kids, (which they can and do see as threats to them). Seek out a behaviorist who can help with adapting your aggressive doberman to a friendlier, social environment.

An aggressive dog can be a long going and time consuming problem but it can be rectified over time and consistent discipline. If your doberman is showing signs of escalating into full blown violence then please seek out the help of a professional before it does some serious damage to someone, and you have to get your beloved friend put down. No one wants that, so avoid it and do the right thing by your best friend.

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