Potty Training Your Chihuahuas
Dog Training |
Chihuahuas are the most loved and adored breeds among all breeds. They are gorgeous and a high end dog breed. They also are among the smallest. They seem to be more intelligent and loving. They tend to grasp your teachings very quickly and hence potty training Chihuahuas are a breeze.
This particular breed of dogs, the Chihuahuas, are amongst the most beautiful and intelligent amongst all the dog breeds. They are loveable and are amongst the smallest breed of dogs. They sometimes to be more temperamental. Potty training Chihuahuas is a breeze. However, the earlier you start potty training your Chihuahuas, the better and faster they start learning. Here, I will introduce you to a step by step training schedule for your Chihuahuas.
Firstly, as mentioned above, Chihuahuas are the most intelligent amongst all dog breeds. For this reason, you should start training them from day one that you bring them home. As any untrained dog, Chihuahuas too urinate and deface your house at various places. If you notice your Chihuahua doing this, then make it a habit to take them to a particular spot everyday. You can also use a command like, “go potty there Dolly” and at the same time directing them to a particular spot either in your backyard or in your bathroom inside. Rewarding them with a dog treat every time they obey your commands is a good idea since this way, they tend to learn faster.
Secondly, if you notice that your Chihuahua is using a particular spot in your house or in the backyard to ease, then you can designate that particular spot to Potty train them since he/she is already accustomed and familiar with that particular spot. This way, you don’t have to exert much in training them. Normally, as like any other dog breed, Chihuahuas ease after eating or after their sleep. Keep a tab on their behavior because you too can learn a lot and make necessary adjustments to your teaching schedule. Chihuahuas tend to be moody. They sometimes ease themselves when there is a change in their mood, recognize this particular mood and the next time you seem them in this particular mood, you know that they want to ease now and you can take them to their potty spot.
Thirdly, Chihuahuas are a lovable and mild breed, treat them with love and patience. As like any other dog breed, being aggressive or violent against them will not help since they too will emulate your violence and aggression and this will not help you in any way. Potty training Chihuahuas is time consuming but it is worth the time spent.
Finally, it is a good idea to keep your Chihuahua in a cage during the night in order to avoid any accidents. Some people think caging a dog is a bad idea. Actually, caging them for a short period of time is a good idea. Take them out of the cage for a walk every morning. This way they can ease themselves and also the morning air is good for their health. Keeping them for long hours in the cage is not good since they tend to become aggressive once you let them out they are let.
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