Crate Training Schedule For Your Weimaraner
Dog Training |
Want to set up a crate training schedule for your Weimaraner? Then you are in good company! Every year, hundreds of Weimaraner owners all over the country start crate training to house their dogs in a crate or a small room when they are away from the house. Crate training can reduce your dog’s separation anxiety (a must for Weimaraners), and help to stop destructive behaviors and excessive barking. Crates are also invaluable tools for house breaking puppies and will help to make life easier if your Weimaraner is always sleeping on your bed or couch. Now I know some of us are happy with their dog sleeping in the same bed and Weimaraners will want to do this as they develop very close attachments to their owners. However, for many owners it is a problem and a crate training schedule offers the solution.
The Value of a Crate to Your Weimaraner
You need to know that most Weimaraners will love their crates! In a natural setting, (ie: in the wild) your dog will seek out a small, safe place for protection and warmth. A crate provides this environment for them and gives your dog a safe place that is theirs alone. Weimaraners that live in large open spaces can often have problems because they cannot tell where their “home” is and are likely to become anxious through trying to maintain control over the entire area.
How to Crate Train a Weimaraner
It is best to start a crate training schedule while your dog is still a puppy. A puppy will adapt much more quickly than an adult dog and if it has had no other options apart from the crate then there will be no reason for it to become upset at all.
Ideally, the crate should be put in a room like a family or living room where people will always be. When you go to sleep, bring the crate into your bedroom to provide your Wiemaraner with your safe presence at night. After a month to six weeks, you can begin to leave the crate in one place, but to begin with, keep them safe and calm by remaining close by.
Be sure to provide your Weimaraner puppy with a clean and comfortable place to sleep. Give them some water and a toy for playing with. The crate need only be large enough for your dog to sleep in. Provided your dog can turn around in their crate it will be comfortable for them and give them a sense of safety. Remember it is not restricting them or hurting them! If it is too big, big enough for your pup to walk around inside it then your puppy might decide to make a mess.
Begin your crate training by leaving your puppy in the crate for no more than an hour or two at a time. As your dog grows older, you may increase the crate time to mimic a day at work or a full night’s sleep. When you are first learning how to set up a crate training schedule it can be tempting to get your dog out if they show any signs of distress. This will only reinforce to your pup that they will receive attention if they make a fuss. Always wait until your Weimaraner pup has stayed quiet for at least 5 minutes, then you can give them attention and even a food reward so they learn that they have done what you wanted.
If you apply a proper crate training schedule to your Weimamraner you will drastically reduce the likelihood that your dog will become anxious, loud or destructive when you leave the house. Doing this sooner rather than later is best as a puppy will adapt more quickly and this will less stressful for all concerned.
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