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Do Your Dog Obedience Training Now - Reap the Rewards Later

 Do Your Dog Obedience Training Now - Reap the Rewards Later

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Dog Training

Most people may not think it, but dogs are naturally very clean animals. A well trained dog will never want to defecate in their eat, sleep or play area unless they absolutely have to. Take this into consideration while your are working on your dog obedience training. Dogs who are properly trained and accustomed to using the bathroom outside in the grass will more than likely not want to go in the house or on concrete. These are just instinctive tendencies for dogs, and if you can capitalize in their natural tendencies it can make your job of dog obedience training less stressful and a quicker process.

Dogs are pack animals, so that means they are naturally geared to live in a pack of other dogs, or humans. When you first get your new dog, you want to establish yourself at the pack leader. You are the one in charge in the pack, not him. The quicker your new dog realizes you are the pack leader, you'll see quicker and easier results from your dog obedience training methods.

When trying to establish yourself as the pack leader, you may have to be for firm with some dogs than others. Do not get discouraged if your dog will not listen to you. It takes time, and some dogs are just more stubborn than others. Kinda like some humans.

Now when you are trying to train your dog for other actions besides potty training, such as sit, stay, fetch, and so forth you have to remember to eliminate as many distractions as possible. Meaning try to stay away from other dogs, and if possible try to only have one helper or try to accomplish your dog obedience training tasks yourself. Also keep in mind dogs naturally like to dig and sniff surrounding objects. You want to keep your dog in a grass area with few distractions on the ground.

Now if you are trying to teach your dog the popular, sit - stay command, you want to start with the sit command, and follow all your commands with a hand signal. This methods of obedience training gives the dog two methods of listening to your command, your voice signal, and an additional hand signal.

Once you get your dog to sit, you will want to back away a little and see if he stays put. If he doesn't want to sit and stay himself, manually place him in that position and continue the process until he does. Training a new puppy is difficult, and time consuming so give yourself some extra patience in these early stages of development. Believe me, accomplish these early dog obedience training methods, and commands now and you can reap the benefits of a well-behaved dog later on in life.

Another helpful tip for dog owners, is to remember to reinforce your commands in a firm, strong voice but never yell or scream at your young puppy. Yelling will only set your training further back as young dogs do not respond well to anger and aggression. And you always want to praise your dog as well as reward him with a treat or his favorite toy when he listens to your commands.

