House Training Dogs
house training dogs tips |
When you first bring a dog home, it’s
critical that you take the time to house train then properly. The puppy must
realize that your home is not their toilet, and you are the only ones that can
show them this. Remember, to them, at this stage, it is perfectly ok to go to
the “bathroom” in your house! They do not know any better! Unless you show
them! House training dogs takes patience, it’s a trial an error process, where
some things will work and some won’t but it’s well worth the time and effort,
you will be happier and so will your dogs (they need the structure and
boundaries in place). If you do not house train dogs they can ruin your floors
and furnishing, seriously affect your health and cost you money.
Here are some of the basics for house
training dogs
Younger dogs need to go to the toilet often,
so look for the signs and immediately take them outside to a place you have
assigned as their “area”.
Typically, they need to eliminate just after
waking or shortly after a meal. I suggest timing (and keeping a note) how long
it usually is before they need to go. This is your “window” now you just have
to make sure that you take them outside, within their “window” to avoid most of
the accidents.
Diet is very important when house training
dogs. If you keep changing the types of food they eat, or giving them table
scraps they may develop an upset stomach that will definitely make your job
harder. Stick to dry food (kibble) it produces dryer, smaller stools that are
easier to clean up.
The most important part of house training
dogs is praise! When your dog successfully “goes” outside, praise him/her using
a happy, excited voice. Your dog wants to please you, so letting him know when
you are happy will encourage him to repeat the behavior.
Under no circumstances should you get angry
at or use physical violence if your dog has an “accident”. It’s going to
happen, and when it does, if you react badly the dog may form an association
that prevents them from eliminating (oh no! I got into trouble when I did that,
so I won’t do it again); as you can image this can lead to some severe health
problems for your dog.
If you are really having a tough time house
training dogs, it’s possible that they have a medical problem. Get your vet to
check them for urinary tract infections etc.
So, that’s the basics of house training
dogs! Come back and find some more amazing tricks, tips and techniques on house
training your dog..
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