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Dove Cresswell's Dog Training Online

 Dove Cresswell's Dog Training Online

This next product is third on our list only because it does not have a proven track record like the other two selections. It's still very worthy of your time! This course was created by Dove Cresswell -- who is a dog trainer to the stars. When you look at her sales page, you'll see a list of movie credits where she has helped train. This is very impressive, and it's obvious that she has real-world experience.

The actual contents of this course are different than what is offered in the other two products we've reviewed. Instead of an e-book, you will receive seven complete lessons. These lessons are interactive and allow you to select specific information related to your dog so you are sure to get the most fine tuned training possible. It's the next best thing to hiring a personal dog trainer! In fact, you get to see and hear Dove Creswell walk you through the lessons.

There is no way to print the info out since it's not an e-book; which she stresses as a selling point. If you prefer to read your information, and to print it out, this course will not be for you. However, if you're able to read and watch online to train your dog, this is a good buy. It's relatively inexpensive compared to other courses out there, and it includes step-by-step information from someone who knows what she is talking about.

The other products contain information that take you from the very beginning of buying a pet, through everything else you would need to know. Dove Cresswell's product takes a more focused approach and covers potty training, obedience training, crate training, heal, recall, puppy and dog manners, special dog tricks, and more.

This product will definitely satisfy the needs of many customers out there. Where the other books fall short, Dove Cresswell's seems to pick up the slack. While it doesn't have as proven a track record, it's a high-quality product that can help anyone who is learning how to train their dogs quickly and easily. Instead of having someone tell you what to do, you have someone who shows you what to do -- which can make all the difference when you're trying to train your pet!

